¿Presentan las personas violentas y los criminales rasgos
biológicos y, más concretamente, cerebrales, que los identifiquen y permitan
prever su futura conducta delictiva cuando son aún niños? Esta pregunta, que ha
inquietado a psicólogos, psiquiatras y a muchas personas en general durante
décadas, ha encontrado en los últimos años ciertos indicios que parecen indicar
que su respuesta podría ser afirmativa. Sin embargo, la constatación de que
ciertas características anatómicas y fisiológicas de los individuos de
comportamiento más antisocial podrían hallarse detrás del mismo ha suscitado
también un profundo dilema ético parejo a los propios estudios: ¿hasta qué
punto es moralmente aceptable la intervención en este tipo de personas, cuando
aún son jóvenes que no han cometido crimen alguno, con el fin de prevenir
potenciales conductas criminales en el futuro?
En el mundo de la Psicología y de la Psiquiatría existen
tanto partidarios como detractores de tal género de intervención, por lo que la
dimensión moral de la materia permanece aún difusa; no obstante, en el aspecto
puramente científico, son diversos los estudios que se han llevado a cabo
mientras tanto y que, como adelantábamos al comienzo, han arrojado a la
palestra resultados más que interesantes.
¿Y qué mejor lugar que la página web de la American Psychological
Association (APA), www.apa.org, para echar un vistazo a las últimas novedades en este
complejo campo? En un breve artículo (en inglés), cuya dirección web podrá el lector
encontrar al final de esta entrada de nuestro blog, esta organización realiza
un ameno resumen de los últimos avances en este campo, a través de una interesante relación de resultados
concretos obtenidos.
pues, ¿es peculiar el cerebro de un criminal en algún aspecto? Veámoslo.
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criminal mind
2014, Vol 45, No. 2
version: page 39
On the
outside, violent offenders come in all shapes, sizes, colors and ages. But on
the inside, research finds that they may share some traits. Here's a look at
some of the biological risk factors psychologists and others have linked to
violence — and the interventions they're testing to reduce that risk.
structure and function
amygdala — a part of the brain involved in fear, aggression and social
interactions — is implicated in crime. Among the research that points to this
link is a neuroimaging study led by Dustin Pardini, PhD, of the University of
Pittsburgh. His team found that 26-year-old men with lower amygdala volumes
were more than three times more likely to be aggressive, violent and to show
psychopathic traits three years later than men of the same age with more
normal-sized amygdalas — independent of factors including history of violence
and social background (Biological
Psychiatry, 2013).
research, such as an fMRI study led by psychologist Andrea Glenn, PhD, of the
University of Alabama, suggest that amygdala functioning — not just size — is
also more likely to be reduced among those with psychopathic tendencies (Molecular
Psychiatry, 2009).
At least
one study indicates that such deficits may appear long before people commit
crimes. Adrian Raine, DPhil, of the department of criminology at the University
of Pennsylvania, led a study with Yu Gao, PhD, at CUNY-Brooklyn that examined
fear conditioning, which is dependent on amygdala function, in a group of 1,795
3-year-olds. The researchers put electrodes on the children's fingers while
repeatedly playing two tones: one that was followed by a loud, unpleasant sound
and another that was played alone. Subsequently, the difference in sweat
responses to each tone by itself yielded a measure of each toddler's fear
conditioning. Twenty years later, the team identified participants who had gone
on to commit crimes and compared them with noncriminal counterparts, matching
them on gender, ethnicity and social adversity. They found that those children
who went on to commit crimes had "simply failed" to demonstrate fear
conditioning, Raine says. In other words, they were fearless when most of us
would be fearful. This finding suggests that deficits in the amygdala, which
are indirectly identifiable as early as age 3, predispose to crime at age 23 (The American
Journal of Psychiatry,
anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), which plays a major role in behavior
regulation and impulsivity, has also been linked to crime. Psychologist Kent
Kiehl, PhD, and colleagues at the University of New Mexico used fMRI to look at
the brains of nearly 100 adult male inmates while they completed a cognitive
task involving inhibitory control. They found that prisoners with lower ACC
activity were twice as likely to reoffend four years after they left prison
than prisoners with higher ACC activity (PNAS, 2013). While such studies need replication
and extension, Raine says, they are "proof of the concept that there may
be added value with bringing on board neurobiological information, including
brain imaging information, for future prediction of violence."
brain to change behavior
If we know
that certain brain characteristics may predispose some people to violence, what
can we do about it? Intervene — and the earlier, the better, says Raine, author
of "The Anatomy of Violence" (Random House, 2013).
In one
intervention, for example, he and colleagues found that 3-year-olds who had
been assigned to an enrichment program focused on nutrition, exercise and
cognitive skills had better brain functioning at age 11 and a 34 percent
reduction in criminal activity at age 23 when compared with a control group
that did not receive the intervention (American
Journal of Psychiatry,
2003). Intervening even earlier, David Olds, PhD, of the University of
Colorado, has found that pregnant low-income mothers who were visited regularly
by home nurses who talked to them about health, education and parenting were
less likely to have children who were arrested by age 15 (Infant Mental
Health Journal,
Even simple
interventions may make a difference. In one preliminary study, prisoners
assigned to a 10-week yoga class improved their impulse control (Journal of
Psychiatric Research,
2013). In an earlier randomized-controlled trial of British prisoners, those
who received vitamin, mineral and essential fatty acid supplements committed an
average of 26.3 percent fewer offenses than those who had received the placebo.
They also showed a reduction in offenses of more than 35 percent, while the
placebo-taking prisoners' records remained stable (British Journal of Psychiatry, 2002). A study in the Netherlands
replicated the effect, and now Raine is testing a similar intervention for
The bottom
line, he says, is that "biology is not destiny. We can change the
biological roots of crime and violence — there's no question about it."
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Autora: Anna Miller
Fuente: American Psychological Association (www.apa.org)
Enlace original del artículo: http://www.apa.org/monitor/2014/02/criminal-mind.aspx
Fuente: American Psychological Association (www.apa.org)
Enlace original del artículo: http://www.apa.org/monitor/2014/02/criminal-mind.aspx
Hola José Ángel. Aquí te dejo el enlace a un artículo de investigación que se realizó relacionando la amígdala con el trastorno de la personalidad antisocial en relación a esto que comentas :)
Hola, al igual que Paula te dejo un enlace para que puedas añadir aún más información sobre la cuestión de si los cerebros de las personas normales son diferentes a la mente de los psicópatas.